We're Really Up Here

In the spring of 2007, I quit my desk job and set out on a climbing road trip. This is everything that happened after that.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Goodbye, Del.

Today I noticed my food bin was getting pretty full. I took a few things out, and unearthed a few bits of food that probably haven't seen the light of day fr a while.

I think we probably all have one or two of these - some sturdy non-perishables that you don't really want to eat, but can't bring yourself to throw away. You know you're in trouble when you're actually taking them with you when you move. This was the case with a particular can of creamed corn, who I've named Del.

Del has been with me for quite a while, as you can see from the rust on his lid. I'm pretty sure I picked him up in the dented can outlet in Oakhurst, CA, in the beautiful summer of '04. He's been with me on road trips before, and when I set out on this one, it was good to know that Del was riding shotgun. You'll notice he's the Creamed variety, which I chose because I was hoping it would taste like the creamed corn that my mother makes for Thanksgiving.

But tonight, I decided it was time. We'd been together so long, and at a certain point, something's gotta give. Del looked confused when the can opener came out, but I think on a certain level, he understood. I sobbed as I ate, with creamed corn on my chin. The world is a slightly sadder place now that Del is no longer in it, but now there's one more creamy angel up in dented-can heaven.


  • At 11:46 AM, Blogger phUnk said…

    If he was rusting, and clearly in pain, there was nothing else you could have done.

    R.I.P. (Rest In Poop) Del. We barely knew ya. :(


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